Christmas is the most exciting time of year. If you have relocated to Orange County, you may be flying home to spend the holidays with your family. In this case, you’ll want to make sure your property is well taken care of while you’re out of town. We don’t want to sound like Debbie Downer, but Christmas time brings about a high rate of burglaries and break-ins. Here is how you can keep your Orange County property safe during the holidays:

1. Do not leave expensive items out in the open

If you are leaving Orange County for the holidays, you’ll want to hide your valuable items or take them with you. Things like jewelry or a pricey laptop are the first to be stolen from your Newport Beach or Irvine home if such an unfortunate situation were to take place. In order to avoid theft, invest in a safe or buy one of these nifty hollowed out books to throw burglars off track.

2. Inform your neighbors of upcoming travel plans

If you are close with your next door neighbors, let them know that you will be leaving Orange County for a few days. Politely ask if they would be willing to keep an eye on your home. Leave them with your contact information and any codes or passwords, just in case you need them to enter your home. This will give you peace of mind while spending time with your family.

3. Don’t announce your vacation over social media

The first thing you’ll want to do is brag on Instagram or Facebook about your upcoming trip, but we recommend staying off social media. You never know who you are actually friends with on these platforms and this could alert the wrong people of your absence. Just enjoy your time away from Orange County and put the phone down!

Here’s to a Merry and Safe Christmas!

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About Jcap Private Lending

JCAP Private Lending is a Direct Lender who closes and services Investor Funded Short-Term Real Estate Loans. Our experienced team has been providing quality mortgage services for over 30 years. JCAP Private Lending is an Asset Based Lender who steps in to quickly solve a short-term financial need secured by Real Estate. JCAP has an innovative approach to lending, focusing on speed, simplicity, and safety for borrowers and investors. JCAP’s operating philosophy is defined by the simple but impactful statement — “We Care & We Serve”.

Located in Newport Beach, CA, JCAP Private Lending primarily lends Hard Money & Private Loans secured by 1st & 2nd TD’s on residential property in Coastal California. For further information, please visit

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