Marketing is the art and science of finding new prospects that will be interested in what your business has to offer. It can be a great tool to actively engage and build trust with your audience. Here are 5 of the best tips to improve your marketing in 2018.

1. Create a memorable Brand Experience.

They say one of the best marketing strategies is done through word-of-mouth. By creating a memorable Brand experience, you instill loyalty among your clients which enforces them to consistently represent your product/service. One way people create memorable experiences, is by over delivering on value whether its sending that extra email or giving them a personalized message. Make sure you have the best customer service so you can have your clients coming back for more. Always overdeliver on Value.

2. Utilize social media marketing.

We live in age where people are constantly on their phones and social media. The market has changed and people don’t typically read newspapers or magazines anymore. Research shows that people spend 5 hours a day on their phone.  Social Media marketing is known as a way of creating or sharing content on media networks in order to drive audience engagement. In the end, social media should be used to create authentic brand awareness that lasts forever. Also, take note that it’s okay to use some promotional messages, but don’t excessively shove sales into your audience’s face. At the end of the day you want to  focus on meaningful content that your audience can relate too. It’s about building trust with your present, and future clients and maintaining a prosperous business relationship.

3. Do your Research and Know your Audience.

This is key when it comes to marketing effectively. You can have the best marketing campaign and it won’t work if you don’t have the right audience. For example, if you try to market loan products to Oprah’s audience, there’s a chance that you won’t get any potential leads or future clients. By doing research, you’re able to see suitable clients that will be interested in your product/service. This helps marketers discover and find their audience and gives them the opportunity to use all of their campaigns on people with interest.

4. Go to Conferences or Conventions.

Conferences and Conventions are a great way to establish brand awareness within your industry. This allows for you have a face-to-face interaction with people that are actually interested in your business. At conventions, you are able to network and learn new information with top speakers from your industry. Also, if you speak at the conference, this will entice you as one of the top business men/woman. Conferences are also a great way to find investors for your business, from whom you can learn small business management, which is something hard to find. Other than getting to meet new people and promoting your company/brand, you will also be able to increase your email list and build traffic towards your website. Sometimes it’s okay to ditch the digital marketing for a few days and go meet people face to face. Human interaction will always have a significant pull in the Private Lending Industry.

5. Quality Blogs

In the past few years, Blogging has become a trend that every business has utilized. By blogging, you are able to implement some localised SEO strategies to have your business noticed. SEO is basically setting up and optimizing your site so that it can be easily found on search engines like, Google, Yahoo, and Bing. And if one were to learn rank monitoring like this agency, they’d be well on their way to designing an SEO appealing website. Most people today aren’t going to pick up a phone book when they need something. Instead, they’ll go online to search for it. Be sure to keep your Website, Blogs, and overall content up to date for best results. has some fruitful tips on how one can run an SEO campaign to enhance the factors that go into building an SEO website.

At the end of the day you want what is best for your client. Being consistent and having a great reputation will always top any marketing campaign.

How Can JCAP Private Lending Help?

JCAP Private Lending is a Direct Lender who closes and services Investor Funded Short-Term Real Estate Loans. Our experienced team has been providing quality mortgage services for over 30 years. JCAP Private Lending is an Asset Based Lender who steps in to quickly solve a short-term financial need secured by Real Estate. JCAP has an innovative approach to lending: focusing on speed, simplicity, and safety for borrowers and investors. JCAP’s operating philosophy is simple –  “We Care & We Serve”

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